Tradetech is proud to be associated with Companies like Atlas Copco, Gulf, Demag and Chicago Pneumatic. You can count on us for our expertise in domains of Atlas Copco Compressors, Dryers, Filters, Energy Recovery, AIRnet Pipeline for Pneumatic & Inert Gases applications, Gulf Industrial Lubricants, Demag Heavy Material Handling - Cranes & Hoists , CP Construction & Mining Tools – Pneumatic Breaker, Hammer, Rock Drills.
Sale & Service of Compressor, Receiver, Dryer, Genuine Spare, Air Audit, Wireless Connectivity & Technical Service.
Hoists, Drives, KBK, Spare Parts, Technical Service,
Industrial Lubricants, Specialty Greases, Hydraulic Oils, Bearing and Circulating oils, Metal working fluids, Rust Preventives, Quenching Oil.
Pneumatic Breakers, Chipping Hammers, Clay Diggers, Rock Drills, Sinkers Drills, Tampers, Pumps
SS, Cu, MS Pipeline & Equipment at different project sites across India.
Some facts why you may consider doing business with us.
Some of our Valued Clients. We are honoured to do business together.